8 Best Practices for a High-Converting Lead Generation Landing Page 

8 Best Practices for a High Converting Lead Generation Landing Page jpg sun icon

Your ultimate goal in business is to increase sales and revenue but to do that, you need leads and customers. Countless B2B companies depend heavily on leads in: 

  • Real estate 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Sales and distribution 
  • Consulting 
  • Business software (SaaS) 
  • Commercial construction (plumbing, electrical, etc.) 
  • E-commerce 

In the marketing industry, 90% of businesses list lead generation as the most critical business goal, but the majority (65%) struggle with it. How can an effective lead generation landing page help? 

What is a Lead Generation Landing Page 

Landing pages are where visitors “land” after clicking on one of your paid search ads, social media ads, or email links. Lead generation landing pages focus entirely on capturing high-value leads. Visitors can fill out a form to download a free e-book, get a free trial, or learn more. Once you have an email address, you can continue nurturing the lead.  

Why Your Business Needs a High-Converting Landing Page 

Learning how to optimize a landing page for lead generation is one of the smartest investments you can make: 

  • More clicks and conversions with a lower bounce rate 
  • Higher volume of traffic to your website 
  • Increased sales 
  • Better results from your marketing efforts because of accurate customer info 
  • Higher-value leads that have purchasing intent 
  • Improved brand recognition and online reputation 

Great landing pages enhance the results of other marketing avenues, delivering that critical final push to convince visitors to take action. For example, lead generation landing pages and pay-per-click ad campaigns go hand in hand. 

How To Optimize a Landing Page for Lead Generation 

Our team of digital experts has some tips for you to create a high-converting land page and reap the benefits: 

1. Make the Call To Action Stand Out 

Lead gen landing pages convince prospects to click on your call to action. How can you make the CTA the star of the page? 

  • Only have one conversion goal per landing page. 
  • Use color to make the CTA stand out from the background. 
  • Put the CTA in plain sight on the first page. 
  • Use a floating CTA button for longer landing pages. 
  • Don’t try to sell multiple products at the same time. 

Everything on the page should contribute to your CTA instead of distracting from it. 

2. Keep It Simple 

You only have 30-90 seconds to convince your target audience to take the next step. Present the most important information concisely and hook them in right away. Key points to remember: 

  • Bullet points are your friends. 
  • White space makes pages look more attractive. 
  • Many people scan headings and skip long paragraphs. 
  • Good paragraphs should only have two or three short sentences. 

A simple layout is more engaging to readers. People are more likely to remember the key points. 

3. Be Persuasive 

B2B customers require more convincing than everyday consumers. A lead generation landing page needs to be as persuasive as your best sales personnel without making your customer feel “sold to.” 

Understand Your Target Audience 

Motivating your target customers is easier when you understand what they’re looking for. Show how your business helps with their problems, needs, or goals. (They’ll also appreciate this consultative approach.) 

Focus On Benefits 

Use bullet points to emphasize why someone should click on your CTA. Mention the unique characteristics and benefits of your company, products, or services. 

Answer Questions 

Think about the objections or questions visitors are likely to have. Create a FAQ section on the landing page and immediately overcome potential obstacles. 

4. Be Trustworthy 

Almost 90% of customers focus on a business’s reputation when making purchasing decisions. To capture valuable leads, your landing pages must feel trustworthy. Here are our top dos and don’ts when it comes to building a trusted brand reputation: 

  • Do include robust statistics from respected sources. 
  • Do sound professional and highlight your expertise. 
  • Do give your company a natural, friendly, upbeat voice. 
  • Don’t make false or exaggerated claims. 
  • Don’t invent testimonials or pay for reviews. 
  • Don’t try to trick people or use clickbait. 

Avoid words such as “best,” “most effective,” or “greatest.” Choose honest descriptions, such as “high-quality” or “experienced” instead. 

5. Make a Great First Impression 

How can you create lead generation landing pages that don’t feel salesy? Use everyday language — even for industry customers. Lose the catchphrases. Speak like you’re having a normal conversation with a potential client. 

6. Use Video 

Videos connect you with your audience instantly: 

  • Grabbing attention 
  • Building an emotional connection 
  • Explaining complex ideas visually 
  • Giving your business a human face 
  • Keeping people on the page longer 

Even Google recommends including videos for a high-converting landing page. Many (30%) of the top lead generation landing page examples include videos. 

7. Customize Landing Pages for Difference Audiences 

Does your business have more than one type of target lead? Create different landing pages for each one: 

  • Manufacturers: Industry leads may need technical specs, case studies, testimonials from well-known brands, or downloadable whitepapers. 
  • Local customers: Location-based landing pages can give your business a small-town feel that local clients trust. 
  • Small business owners: SBOs have different challenges, needs, and priorities than CEOs. 

Many B2B companies have around 15 landing pages at any given time. E-commerce businesses may need 30 or more. 

8. Use Lead Generation Landing Page Optimization Tools 

Landing pages are more effective when you pay attention to metrics. Optimization tools can significantly reduce the time and effort you invest: 

  • Google Analytics: This free analytics tool is helpful and powerful but a little complicated for beginners. 
  • Ahrefs: Paid analytics platforms such as Ahrefs offer a more comprehensive range of tracking tools, SEO tools, and user-friendly features that show you key metrics quickly. 
  • AI applications: AI is impressive at data analysis, quickly identifying leads that fit your target profile. 

As you notice which strategies consistently deliver outstanding results, you can build a “fleet” of high-converting landing pages to attract your ideal leads. 

conversion rate

What You Can Learn From Lead Generation Landing Page Examples 

Learning from the leaders can help you make your company’s lead gen landing pages incredible. 


HubSpot stands out because it’s simple, friendly, and energetic. Even with just two sentences on the page, the benefits are clear. 

HubSpot mentions the word “free” three times, driving home the point that visitors don’t have any obligations. The page feels positive, not pushy. 

The takeaway is that you don’t need large paragraphs to get your point across. Choose one or two sentences that sum up how your business helps customers. 

Locus Robotics 

This lead gen landing page is fantastic because of the way it engages potential clients. Everything on the page draws visitors to the video. Potential leads want to click. 

The headings help to build trust. Instead of a general “improves productivity,” the landing page gives specifics: “2x-3x faster.” The video highlights additional statistics in depth. 

When your goal is to educate leads, build trust, and convince visitors that you’re an industry leader, short landing page videos are the way to go. 


This point-of-sale system provides a masterclass in bullet points. It tells readers in seconds why Vend is a good choice. By leaving plenty of white space, this lead generation landing page keeps the main points clear. 

Another great thing is that the CTA scrolls down automatically. There are several sections (all with individual bullets), but it’s always easy for leads to take the next step. 

Resist the temptation to overexplain. One sentence per bullet is enough to convey the key info. If your product has several main features, split them into one page each. 


Neutral grays won’t get leads excited about your brand. SEMrush’s color choices communicate that its platform is dynamic and easy for any business owner to use. 

Another win is the way the CTA stands out. Despite the bold colors, the palette makes the orange CTA button the star of the show. 

One way to do this on your landing page is to have darker background colors and brighter CTA buttons. You can also play with complementary or triadic color palettes — hues that naturally stand out from each other. 


This stock image platform knows its customers and adapts to their needs. Considering that many of its users access links via smartphone, JumpStory’s landing page chooses a mobile-friendly layout. The combination of image, CTA, and trust features (4.4 of 5 stars) all fit perfectly on the screen without needing to scroll. 

Take the time to test drive your landing pages on mobile, too. Make sure the experience is just as persuasive as on the desktop. 


Unbounce stands out thanks to its user-friendly interface and simplicity, making it accessible to users of all levels. With Unbounce, you can effortlessly design landing pages that effectively convey your message without requiring lengthy paragraphs or technical “know-how.”  

In addition to crafting engaging CTAs, Unbounce offers the capability to create contact forms to collect valuable visitor information, such as names, email addresses, or phone numbers. 

Whether your goal is to capture leads, promote products, or execute successful marketing campaigns, Unbounce equips you with the necessary tools and templates to develop compelling landing pages that seamlessly transform visitors into satisfied customers. 

Create High-Converting Landing Pages To Drive Business 

Following these lead generation landing page tips can boost your leads, wow potential customers, and increase your revenue. Do more than welcome visitors to your website. Persuade them to take action! 

At Digital Neighbor, we love designing B2B and B2C marketing campaigns. We have helped countless manufacturers, real estate agencies, commercial contractors, and distributors create effective lead gen campaigns. Get started with us on a better lead generation landing page strategy today. 

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