How Shopify Website Development Services Transformed The Deck Store

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The Deck Store, a long-standing leader in decking materials and accessories, has been a trusted name for over three decades. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, The Deck Store decided to transition from a traditional retail model to a fully online ecommerce platform. This bold move aimed to reach a broader audience and provide an enhanced, seamless shopping experience. Digital Neighbor was entrusted with the task of bringing this vision to life using Shopify website development services, the premier ecommerce solution.

The Challenge

Imagine a world where your decking dreams are just a click away, where the sun-kissed glow of a perfect deck awaits you at the touch of a button. Welcome to The Deck Store, where quality meets convenience and decking dreams come true! 

The Deck Store has been a beacon for decking aficionados, offering a curated collection of top-notch decking materials, railings, lighting, framing, hardware, and more. Transitioning to a fully online business model, The Deck Store needed an online platform that:

  • Organized an extensive range of products
  • Offered fast and reliable shipping
  • Provided a seamless checkout experience
  • Delivered an intuitive user experience and visually appealing design 

The Approach

1. Platform Selection: 

Digital Neighbor leveraged its expertise in Shopify website development services to transform The Deck Store’s ecommerce presence.  Shopify, the leading digital toolkit for crafting online success, provided the perfect platform for this project. Its robust nature allowed for extensive customization and scalability, perfectly accommodating The Deck Store’s diverse product range.

2. Design and Development:

  • User-Friendly Design: We crafted an intuitive and visually appealing Shopify website design that reflected the brand’s identity and made online shopping easy and enjoyable.
  • Organized Catalog: The extensive product range was meticulously categorized, ensuring customers could easily find what they needed, from decking materials to lighting solutions.
  • Backend Optimization: The backend was developed to function as a well-oiled machine, ensuring effective post-launch management and streamlined operations.

3. Enhancing Customer Experience:

  • Seamless Checkout: We integrated a seamless and secure checkout process, reducing cart abandonment and enhancing user satisfaction.
  • Fast and Reliable Shipping: Ensured the integration of reliable shipping solutions to meet customer expectations.
  • Mobile Optimization: Designed the site to be fully responsive and mobile-friendly, allowing customers to shop conveniently from any device.

The Results

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Our dedicated efforts to transition The Deck Store from WordPress to Shopify focused on creating a robust, intuitive, and user-friendly website design. This approach contributed significantly to the growth in sales and overall customer satisfaction. Key achievements included:

  • Intuitive User Interface:  We prioritized user experience with a clean layout and an intuitive mega menu showcasing The Deck Store’s vast product categories. This, coupled with a powerful search function, empowered customers to find exactly what they needed quickly and effortlessly.
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  • Advanced Organization: Products were meticulously categorized and subcategorized, with filtering options by category, type, brand, size, color, and price. This granular organization allowed users to refine their search with ease, streamlining the browsing experience.
  • Effortless Product Exploration: Individual product pages showcased high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and helpful customer reviews. To further increase average order value (AOV), we also implemented a “You May Also Like” feature that suggests complementary products based on the item being viewed, encouraging customers to add essential (and profitable) items to their cart alongside their main purchase.
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  • Promotional Powerhouse: Multiple strategically placed sections throughout the site highlight ongoing promotions and special offers. Eye-catching and strategically placed calls to action (CTAs) like “Shop Now” and “Limited Time Offer” are prominently positioned, ensuring customers never miss out on valuable savings and driving sales for The Deck Store.
  • Cohesive Brand Experience: The website’s design reflected The Deck Store’s established brand identity, ensuring a seamless customer experience across online and offline channels. Unique design elements and high-quality product images further enhanced the visual appeal and user experience. In addition, we provided a comprehensive brand guide and even refreshed their branded colors and logo to create a modern and cohesive online presence.
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  • Informative Content: Additional website pages provided valuable resources and information related to decking projects, establishing The Deck Store as a trusted authority in the industry and further enhancing the customer experience.
  • Streamlined Backend: A robust backend system was implemented to ensure efficient order processing, inventory management, and customer communication. This streamlined system empowers The Deck Store team to manage their online store effectively.

These enhancements resulted in a website that not only looked great but also performed exceptionally well, providing customers with a seamless and enjoyable online shopping experience.


The successful establishment of The Deck Store’s new ecommerce platform on Shopify, built with our expert Shopify website development services, marked a significant milestone in their journey. 

However, the story doesn’t end here. To learn more about the digital marketing strategies we’ve incorporated to help them rank high in search results, reach their target audience, and attract loyal shoppers, stay tuned for part 2 of this case study.

If you’re seeking a digital partner who invests in your success as much as you do, reach out to Digital Neighbor today. Let’s turn your business dreams into a digital reality. Deck the halls of success with us!

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